Monday, 28 May 2007


Annie Wicking said...

Hi Old Git,
It looks like you are getting the hang of this blogging lark to me.
Keep it up, the photos are beautiful.

Best wishes

Annie Wicking said...

what wonderful new photos, just keep them coming.

best wishes,

Annie Wicking said...

Hi Old Git,
It's me again, Just to let you know your It's a ..?
Is a Wasp Beetle belonging to the Longhorns family because of its long antennae. They feed on nectar and pollen.

Hope this is of some help...
Best wishes

P.s Can you put your new pictures at the beginning as I didn't think you had updated your blog. ;-)

fotoface said...

thanks for that one annie
be assured i will try to change
the pictures around

Anonymous said...

hi dad lovely pictures enjoyed looking at them. See you soon love martyn.

The Old Git

The Old Git
The pigeon wild, not tame he seem to like me

The Number of visitors I've welcome to my blog