Tuesday, 16 October 2007


You can not deny a pretty bird,
to the human eye, as he sits
and waits for a passing fly.

click on pic


Janice Thomson said...

I like the colors in this cute bird - your little poem was good too!

fotoface said...

I still aim to please.
thanks for looking in.

fotoface said...

nice to hear from you

jennifer black said...

I love that bird. What an amazing shot!


polona said...

it's so difficult to get a decent shot of a chaffinch but you have succeded in doing so.

fotoface said...

guess I just get lucky.
don't know f you noticed but this is a young male, [still has down feathers at the back of the neck]as the head has more of a cap on older birds.

Nina said...

I like this photo, with all its textures. It is so nice to see the detail of a bird's feathers. :)

Sweet little poem, too!

fotoface said...

your spoiling me with your comments, big thank you.

The Old Git

The Old Git
The pigeon wild, not tame he seem to like me

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