Tuesday, 12 June 2007

All this wears me out ,
So this stump is like a friend to me I can stay here as long as I would like
and I might just do that as night time is drawing in and in the morning , I can
start again.


Annie Wicking said...

This is lovely, Old Git.
I have been trying to photo butterfies at the weekend, but they have been to busy to wait for me.

Best wishes

Janice Thomson said...

Hello Old Git...what a lovely blog you have...I shall be back to read more...and thanks for the comments.

This photo is beautiful...I love butterflies, their delicateness and beauty is amazing.

fotoface said...

I am so pleased my blog pleases you
as this is my aim that others
shall take enjoyment from what my camera sees and my finger writes

The Old Git

The Old Git
The pigeon wild, not tame he seem to like me

The Number of visitors I've welcome to my blog