Wednesday, 8 August 2007

spider chat

Come on dear , I know you want a new home, but someone already lives in there.
I've been knocking for ages and no-ones answering.
Well they're most likely to be asleep, they were up most of the night eating.

[please click on photo]


Wanda said...

How nice of them to sit still for your picture. I've always wanted to listen in on a spider chat...thanks!

Janice Thomson said...

Exceptional photo Old Git!....and I love your words to go with. :)

Annie Wicking said...

Wonderful, better than some of these TV chat shows.

Thank you for showing us the world around you, Old Git.

Best wishes

fotoface said...

you have to get real close to hear them.

fotoface said...

I thank you both for your comments
please come again.

The Old Git

The Old Git
The pigeon wild, not tame he seem to like me

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