Thursday, 20 September 2007

river bank


Dragonfly dragonfly beating those transparent wings.
Hovering quietly over the reeds
you're beauty unsuppressed by the
chilled wind, back and forth you fly
yet my only question is why.

click on photo to enlarge thanks


Wanda said...

Unanswered questions...we all have them. Very nice picture and narative.

Janice Thomson said...

like the faint outline of his wings Old Git. The answer to your question is simple: because I can! :)
I'd love to be a dragonfly.

Nina said...

Nice poem. Gonna sound corny, but I like that it rhymes, as a surprise at the end. Very descriptive.

polona said...

nicely captured, in both photo and words.

fotoface said...

sorry ladies
i have been so busy!!!
forgive me, I thank you all for your comments your all so kind

The Old Git

The Old Git
The pigeon wild, not tame he seem to like me

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