Friday 14 September 2007

don't read to fast , very british [to the rest sorry if you do not understand everything ]

Steam trains bi-planes toy trains jet planes Concorde
Real cars toy cars bonfires fireworks teletubbies
Wooden tops Bill and Ben thunderbirds radio four
Apollo rolos chewing gum candy floss
Seaside sandpits Tesco byways alleyways rivers cornfields
Mountains green fields theme parks trees
Teapots teacakes summer breaks cornflakes Cumbria lakes
TV CD DVD stereo video hi-fi carry on movies
L Ps 45s shellac made 78s youth club boy scout disco
Think tanks Office blocks Lego cinema burn your bra Durex
Sail boats rowing boats photo slides traffic lights Wages
Slag heaps mud pies beeswax income tax coffee
Old sacks carrier bags lino Parquet flooring decking
Swing bin cling film table cloth toilet rolls Elvis
Magazines naughty bits flower power Dylan Eden
Rolling stones Chuck Berry T-rex Sex Mothercare Boots
Brass band skinhead Doc Marten blue jeans Queen
Four poster bed sore head aspirin false teeth steradent bleach
Seashells pasta shells coal hole council tip motorbike outside loo
Snowdrift hair quiff teddy boy tall boy thong
BBC DAB ITV SKY digital watch door step door knob
Hells angel angel cake salt lake passport I.D P.C V.D I.T
C.S.A BSA BMW Honda bubble gum bubble car lard
Street fight street light headlight tail-light all night B&Q bread
Shopping Bopping rock n roll punk rock bobby sox road tax
Wild west string vest wedding dress cell phone go home
Take away football lottery pound coin sixpence 1984
Shut that door green shield stamps pop tarts wanabes has beens Bedpans Blood banks no smoking no thanks one way new age
Nuclear Co2 H2o diesel landfill on the pill over kill still life
Its all been poetry to me


Wanda said...

Oh my goodness...I love this, now I just want to hear you sing it!!!It we reminds me of "I've been everywhere, man"! And it appears you have! Great post!!! If I had an award you would get it!!

Annie Wicking said...

Well, that sums us up very well, Old Git. Thank you for reminding me what makes us Brits so great and seem very odd to the rest of the world. By the way, is that the reason why so many of them want to come and live with us. Just a thought ;-)

Best wishes,

Janice Thomson said...

This is actually quite unique Old Git...that's a lot of poems you have written! Loved some of those lines and at first was trying to see the connection LOL. There's a little bit of everything here.

fotoface said...

you so kind . I don't get out much.
Don't do singing [ha ha]

fotoface said...

do you think I may of offended others, thank for comment.

fotoface said...

this could be my autobiography ,
its just everything thats touched on my life. Stitching all the words together. As you say theres a lot of poems here, if broken down, word for word

Nina said...

Wow, really neat, kind of a stream-of-consciousness piece. It does look autobiographical.

The Old Git

The Old Git
The pigeon wild, not tame he seem to like me

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