Tuesday, 24 July 2007


Barb- wire, tied with wire to your concrete supports.
Not so new, as you rust away .
What is it you say, keep away! I'm dangerous.
What of your owner I bet he swore when you gashed his hands.
And this is why your in a sorrowful state.
With your supports falling apart, leaning out from the straight .
Rusting barb- wire all your really saying, is Hate, now go away.
And your owner never came back again, so there you stay until you fall.


Janice Thomson said...

Gosh your words suit this photo to a tee Olgit. It's sad and melancholic just like the fence.

fotoface said...

you use such lovely words
do you teach?

Janice Thomson said...

I once tutored troubled children in Grade 6 right at their school for about 5 years but that is the extent of it.

Annie Wicking said...

This is wonderful I enjoy reading your work.

Best wishes


polona said...

i agree. the photo and words complement each other very well

Wanda said...

A strange reminder of how much objects can teach. I also love the way Janic said it.

fotoface said...

thanks wanda

The Old Git

The Old Git
The pigeon wild, not tame he seem to like me

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