Wednesday, 25 July 2007

tree hugging

Come come said the branch, reaching out to the post, don't be sad.
Some times my feelings run away with me, once I was a mighty tree, now
stripped of my beauty I'm just a post, a ghost of my former self .
If it helps I'll hug you day and night ,


Janice Thomson said...

Gosh this is awesome Oldgit! how your mind works.

fotoface said...

you're wonderful too

Annie Wicking said...

Wow, what a mind to see things in a different light...

Best wishes,


polona said...

great words indeed.

Wanda said...

Wow, do I love this one. Foto, I just wanted to go hug that post. You made it come alive.

fotoface said...

may be we should have a global post hugging day.
only wooden posts to remind us they
were trees once.

The Old Git

The Old Git
The pigeon wild, not tame he seem to like me

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