Saturday, 21 July 2007

winter chill

The broken gate points the way,
come inside walk across this land to the trees over there,
The frost beneath, chills your feet .
Getting closer to the trees, the mist is all around, hang just above the ground. Hearing the sound of the trees,
as they whisper how cold they feel,
with no leaves to bare. You see them crying as they drip tears
of dew into your hair


Annie Wicking said...

So beautiful and so soon to be thinking about winter.
I'm looking forward to gathering Autumn's harvest of damson, blackberries and apples

Best wishes,

Janice Thomson said...

Gosh this was really beautiful that 'drip tears of dew in your hair'

fotoface said...

thank you ladies
winters just around the corner

The Old Git

The Old Git
The pigeon wild, not tame he seem to like me

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