Thursday, 23 August 2007


O.K. O.K. I'M HERE NOW !! you can stop staring at me I know I am BEAUTIFUL!!
[but i do have big feet so don't look at them ]


jennifer black said...

Wow! What an amazing photo!


fotoface said...

thank you for coming to look
many thanks again

Nina said...

This is wonderful to...I want to say "look at" but that doesn't sound quite right. Anyway, that's what I mean. I enjoy all the bird photos. I was just thinking about that the other day. It seems we don't have any birds over here. Just bugs. The size of birds. :P

Janice Thomson said...

What an awesome how you captured the 'movement' in this. Egrets and herons are so awe-inspiring.

fotoface said...

I would love to come and see the bug you have over there
thank you for looking.

fotoface said...

you say the nicest things, I thank you sincerly

The Old Git

The Old Git
The pigeon wild, not tame he seem to like me

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