Monday, 20 August 2007

wash days

The washing out, it looks like rain
But its whiter than white


Janice Thomson said...

Ok you got me this time Old Git...what exactly is this?

fotoface said...

its not one of my best photos I know.
But I just couldn't resist it.
Its a small feather just hanging in
the bush . I would guess its from a wood pigeon
sorry this picture does not enlarge
very well. thanks for comment.

Nina said...

It's pretty. Sometimes the view from a distance is the best perspective. Oh, washing, that reminds me...

fotoface said...

its down to you to train the others
to help you out with the house work,
then you can put your feet up

Janice Thomson said...

Gosh it's such a soft feather ...looks to be the down...thanks Fotoface. There's such whimsical beauty in a feather - yes?

The Old Git

The Old Git
The pigeon wild, not tame he seem to like me

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